Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cucumbers ( how to remove the bitterness )

 Here's a Tip  from The Hippy in the Kitchen to eliminate the Bitterness from Cucumbers.

Step 1:

Do not Peel them in the beginning.

Step 2:

Cut off Both ends no more than 1/2" and save the pieces you cut off.

Cut off a thin slice and taste it to check for bitterness.

If bitter, continue through the rest of the steps. 

Step 3:

Rub both ends with the piece you just but off and you'll notice a White Creamy Substance being released.

Continue rubbing and wiping off the ends until you don't see anymore of the Creamy Substance.

Step 4:

Use a Potato Peeler and Peel off the Green Peeling. When you remove it, continue around 1 more time and remove a thin layer of the White.

Done! Cut off a thin slice and taste it.


Peace in the Kitchen!