Saturday, April 7, 2018


I have always written poems. I started writing poems of freedom while I was in college in the late 60's. Today I write poems about food....... about songs, my favorite things and life!

One day I sat outside the Bakery in our town waiting to pick up an order to go,
It was a beautiful, sunny, fall morning so I had a beer and decided to write some poems.
I take the opportunity whenever an idea comes into my head. I stop, write down a few 
key thoughts and create a poem.

For my Quilting friends:

900 Hexagons:

When I'm sewin'
you know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man
that's sewin' hard for me.

And when I wake up,
well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man 
sewin' Hexagons EPP.

And when I'm sewin'
you know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man that's sewin'
as hard as I can be.

And I will sew 500 Hexagons
and I will sew 400 more,
just to be the man that sews
900 Hexagons,
until my fingertips are sore!

So I will make 500 Hexagons
and I will make 400 more
and then I'll sew them all together 
until my fingers can't sew anymore!


The Christmas Tree (2023)
As a very tiny pine tree,
don't you like what you see?.
But every other pine tree,
is much bigger than me.
Someday, when I grow up,
I'd really like to be,
A great Big Tall and Fat:
Merry Christmas Tree!

We are One World!

We are all warmed by the same Sun.
We look up at the same Stars.
No one can tell by the soil where one Country ends and another begins.
We all laugh when we are Happy.
We all have the same Longings, Hopes and Heart Breaks.
We are Born, we Grow Old and we Die.
When Tyranny threatens or triumphs anywhere, then Freedom is threatened everywhere.
We may speak different languages but we can learn to communicate.
We are one World.
We should all be Living in Peace.



don't assume someone's issue isn't heavy
just because they carry it well.
don't feel the need to attend every argument
or stay with it when you can
walk away and bid it farewell.

you don't have to waste time 
worrying about what you could have done,
continue on a path and sometimes 
it's better if you simply walk, don't run.

your compassion should include yourself,
you don't have to feel alone.
continue on a loving path and
create a milestone.

you don't always have to open your door
when it would be better to keep it closed.
so, sometimes you're better off
keeping your feelings to yourself
and be sure you're not overexposed.



times are changing,
the weather is too!
climate change affects the lives of wildlife,
forests, mountains, me and you.

it's raining in Greenland, like never before.
fires are devastating forests and the forest floor.
without glacier ice, polar bears
will exist no more.

in the month of December,
the mountains are bare.
we should have snow, 
but there's nothing there.

the moon on the mountain
still casts a beautiful glow,
but it's not the same
when there isn't any snow.

without the cold, the snow
and the feeling of joy and simple blissmas,
times are changing and
It's Not Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas.

Don't get a feeling of total remisness,
we will always have the true meaning of



Peace is a leaf falling from a tree.
Peace makes us feel comfortable.
Peace is a friend during times of loneliness.
It's a tree being saved in a forest.
Peace is the end of violence in the world.
It's the calm in your heart.
Peace is what the world needs now.
It begins by showing respect.


Guidelines to Life:
Do one thing at a time.
Do it slowly and deliberately
Do it completely
Do less
Put space between things
Designate time for certain things
Devote time for sitting and relaxing
Smile while serving others
Make cleaning and cooking medatative
Think about what's necessary
Live simply


The Light: 

We don't light a light to hide it.
We light it to create more light and open
our eyes to reveal the wonders that surround us.
Light your light and begin creating something wonderful.



onions can be prepared in so many ways.
grill them, roast them, chop them or bake them,
prepare them however you like to make them,
or sauté them and top them with balsamic glaze.

they can be simple or they can be gourmet,
I eat onions everyday.
how many types of onions can you name?
20 different kinds and no two are the same.

I like red, yellow, pearl and spanish too.
no matter what your favorites are, just remember:
onions are really good for you.



Ignorance happens
on two different ways.
Sometimes it goes away 
but often it stays.

Sometimes you listen,
but you don't hear.
This kind of ignorance is fueled by fear.

Seeking and understanding the truth
is enlightening.
Spreading and believing the alternative
is frightening.

Ignorance fuels anger,
and hate.
Asking forgiveness is usually too late.


Christmas Week:
This Good Morning you shall see
there are no recipes, just poetry.
The Hippy in the Kitchen
has recipes ready to make,
some I will cook, others I will bake.
Christmas week is here, the gifts are wrapped
and under the Tree.
The food prep begins and that's a favorite time for me.
As the Hippy in the Kitchen shares his Christmas Wishes,
he hopes you all are preparing your favorite Christmas Dishes.
To all of my followers wherever you may be, Enjoy Peace in the Kitchen and Merry Christmas from me.



I am busy.
You are busy,
We are busy two!
I hope that everyone you know
stays busy like me and you.

Oh so many busy people,
finding things to do.
Sometimes you have to look for busy,
Sometimes it finds you.


The World in the Year 2020

I know one day that I will say;
Covid-19 has gone away.
Unfortunately that day is not today.
The day will come, we don't know when,
but in the future it may return again.

We'd have to repeat,
every cautious
thing we've done,
to keep it at bay and protect everyone.

We've been told to
wash our hands, social distance
and wear a mask.
To some that becomes a daunting task.

Others believe if we
do those things each and every day,
hopefully if the virus returns
it may quickly go away.

The world changed in 2020.
Hurricanes, Earthquakes and a Pandemic Virus.
Racism, Brutality is all around us.

Some believe that if we pray,
the issues we're faced with
will go away.

So I kneel and look
to my God and pray,
and know that my God
can make a better day.

I believe with all my heart and soul
the confusion will eventually cease.
In order for that to happen in the world,
the world needs to come together
in Joy, Love and Peace!


the world today!

it appears to me
we've lost our way.
some believe that if we pray,
we can't be lost,
we'll find our way.

when we take from the poor
and love no more,
then anger builds
and leads to war.

if sins are taught
when wars are fought,
mistakes are made,
but don't get caught.

everyday, lies are fed
and fill your head,
with things you can't believe.

from the first appearance
of light til eve,
it's nothing but
an evil war we weave.

the man speaks out
with a language to deceive,
while mothers, fathers,
sisters and brothers
are denied the right to grieve.

if you feel the need,
that you should pray
then pray for the day
that hate will cease,
and the world will
live as one in peace.


Our Country Tis Not of Thee:

It's frightening that people cannot see,
he's a threat to our democracy.

His agenda doesn't include you and me
When he's followed by and supported by
A White Supremacist, a Skinhead and a Nazi.

If his election is lost in the year 2020,
he'll feel the need to even the score
By recruiting his evil supporters
To start a Civil War.

Adolf had a racist World view
And the man in the White House does too.

Hitler separated people of different races
And forced them into oppressive spaces.
He wanted to rid his country of minorities he hated
As our President would like minorities obliterated.

Negative energy will intensify and accelerate
With unprecedented intensity and speed.
Civil War could be on the horizon again,
Because of unrest, violence and greed.

There's a level of tension we haven't seen in years,
Creating strife, fear, anger and tears.
Our Country Tis Not of Thee,
It should be apparent for all to see.


a better day:

amid the chaos in the world,
despair and hurt and pain,
it appears to me the chaos is due
to nothing but selfish gain.

I believe with all my heart and soul,
the confusion can go away.

I kneel and look to my God to pray,
and know that my God can
make a better day.


away from the city!

we leave the city lights
to get away.
we trade them for the stars.
we head to the mountains
with backpacks and guitars.

on a peaceful day
when pine boughs sway,
there's silence in the air.
wind is whistling ,
snow is glistening.
I sit on the deck and stare,

there are mountains
with clouds in the distance,
topped with snow
and trees of green.
there are deer and wildlife
passing by,
to complete the peaceful scene.

we leave the city to get away
and find a peaceful place,
where life is completely different
and we live at a different pace.

we leave the city lights
to get away.
we trade them for the stars.


I can't wait!

I can't wait until the day he goes away,
goes away and stays away.
never to see his face,
or hear from him again.

I can't wait until the day the lies will stop,
the hatred and all the lies will stop.
he lies and lies again,
each and every day.

I can't wait until something
good is done,
something constructive,
and good is done.
instead of never accomplishing
anything at all.

I can't wait until the people are
cared for again.
thought of and helped,
and cared for again.
I look forward to that very special day!

I can't wait until the fear is gone,
the fear of dying is truly gone.
the day when we have hope for the future,
and no one has to worry any more.

I can't wait until the world respects us again,
when they realize how great
we've always been.
when we have friends around the world
that really care.

I can't wait until the lies have stopped,
until he goes away.
I can't wait to wake up and realize,
that day is actually today!


A Tyrant's Greed

war is a terrible thing I said,
countless numbers of needless dead.

a futile war it seems to be,
fought for nothing that I can see.

thousands of hearts continue to bleed,
for nothing more than a tyrant's greed.



don't pay for war,
make it go away.
build a bigger table.
feed the hungry everyday.

stop polluting the oceans,
lakes and seas.
respect the earth,
can you do that? please!

make the world a better place,
no matter your religion,
social position or race.

keep us healthy,
and show us you care.
is that too much for you to bear?

don't just surround yourself,
with billionaire after billionaire.
it's not just about you,
there are others out there.



a gun speaks,
it has the last word.
it solves issues ,
like revenge and fear.
it only takes a finger,
to destroy something near.

some loathe them,
some hold them dear.

a gun speaks,
the language is clear.
it only speaks once,
it's the last sound you'll hear.

listen to the guns


Some People Can't:

there are those that
can't see the forest,
when looking at the trees.

they can't feel the wind,
when standing in a breeze.

some don't know when the truth is told.
and some can't figure out ,
silver isn't gold.

the world is a great big place,
differences in religion,
politics and race.

we may not agree,
but you can't exist
without seeing the tree.


the mistake

if a snake bites a fool twice,
it's never good or ever nice.
this one only bit us once,
to prove to all
he's just a dunce.

lies continue while
promises fail.
emptiness filled without detail.
it's time to stop the fool
bitten by the snake,
from making:
after mistake,
what a mistake!


I and me!

who needs food and roads
and clean air,
when we can have guns and bombs
and a life of despair.
who needs compassion for others
or letting our country know we care,
when we can take from some
and never share.
who needs peace and love
and a world of tolerance,
when we continue to create a world
filled with violence.
sympathy, empathy, mercy and kindness
cannot be achieved while living in blindness.
open your eyes and you will see,
there's more to the planet than just

I and me!


lies, lies, everywhere lies!

you see what others cannot see.
you fill them with your lies.
you make them think
things that aren't there,
are directly in front of their eyes.

soon they shout,
did you see?
did you hear?
did you know that's really true?
whether or not it is,
they want you to
believe that what you heard,
is honestly based on a truthful word.

and in the end,
when truth be told:
the lies aren't really true.
you soon realize,
that what you believed,
was nothing but
a trick that's been
played on you!



maybe I need to write a poem,
or maybe I really don't.
maybe I'll start to write it down,
or maybe I really won't.

maybe I need to take some time.
decide if I will, or not.
maybe I'll begin with my paper and pen,
sit down and start to jot......!
jot down my thoughts, ideas and words,
the one's that rhyme a lot.

I think I have it,
or maybe I don't.
so maybe I'll start,
and maybe I won't.


What's happening to the American Dream?

You left your homeland,
for minimum pay.
You strive for a better life,
day by day.

You miss your children.
You miss their voices.
You've sacrificed for them,
making better choices.

You only want to chase
the American Dream.
Have a roof over your head,
a small space, bursting at the seam.

You have to keep your head down.
You can't speak or misbehave.
Unfortunately you've become,
a 21st century slave.

They said the door was open,
it's what they used to say.
But now we don't want you.
We hunt you everyday.

After the dream is done,
you become a deportee.........
So much for living in the land of the free.


Let me make that perfectly clear!

look over there .
don't look here.
look far away.
don't look near.
the thing you see, may not be clear,
so pay attention to that

and not what's here.
don't listen to them,
for I know best.
you're thoughts don't matter,
I'm on a quest.
what I say today is important,
only to me.
it hides the truth about what
you think you see.

look over there,
and don't look here.
the most important thing
is that I make myself clear.



you've come here from another place.
I don't know your name, just face.
we pass each other everyday,
no conversation,
nothing to say.
if we live in fear and pending danger,
and ignore each other,
you'll remain a stranger.


Ode to the Artichoke!

I gave a dinner party, and I served some artichokes!
The guests began to laugh and make rude remarks and jokes.
They said, " these things could stick us" and they threw them on the floor.
I turned around, I walked away and thought I'd just ignore!

Then, I jumped up on the table and I began to say:
"what would you expect from a vegetarian, a meat filled, appetizer tray"?
Yes, artichokes are prickly, but I promise they won't hurt.
If you pick them up and eat them, I will serve a nice dessert!

The guests looked quite embarassed and they said " we have to go",
leaving artichokes all over, on the table and below!
So, I picked them up and placed them in the fridge, upon a shelf.
And everyday, for breakfast, I enjoy one by myself!


Peas in the Kitchen!

Peas in the kitchen,
Peas in the pot!
Peas aren't for everyone, cold nor hot.
I happen to enjoy them, I guess I always did.
I just put them in some water in a pot that has a lid, 
I cook them 'till they're tender, like my grandma always did.

I serve them on a platter just as plain as they can be.
I melt a bit of butter then I turned around to see,
There are others at the table waiting patiently for me!
So, I offer them with pleasure, "help yourselves" if you please.
They turn around and say to me,
"No Thank You", we hate Peas!



live in peace
breathe in peace
eat in peace
drink in peace
talk in peace
pray in peace
think in peace
meditate in peace
move in peace
die in peace
bathe and plunge in the ocean of peace
purify your thoughts in peace
imbibe the honey of peace
love in peace
cleanse yourself in the fire of peace


A Hippy Poem:

One day while strolling
far from home.

I thought of just
the perfect poem.

It was so profound
I began to race,
to find the perfect writing place.

From my pocket
came a pen and pad.
I thought, where is that poem I had?

Too late ,  the verse
had left my head.

So, I decided to write
this one instead!


The 60's Groove:

listen to the way we move,
it's a flashback to our 60's groove.

it was about flower power,
the sun's delight.
psychedelic posters,
glowing from a black light.

haight was not the evil we create
but a corner with ashbury,
in the california state.

power was the flower
not the war and chaos,
we heard about.
"stop the war", "live in peace".
were the slogans we all would shout.

you could speak to us
in the 60's, in psychedelic rhyme.
in all of it's confusion,
it defined the time.

festivals of music,
freedom in the park,
always living in the light
trying to avoid the dark.

music moved us,
it was our voice.
we spoke of freedom,
we spoke of choice.

love was abounding,
it was the way we moved.
it was the way we dressed
and the way we grooved!

enjoy peace !

I previously posted two poems that I wrote about food ( Peas in the Kitchen and Ode to the Artichoke).  I recently saw this one by Ken Nesbitt and thought I'd add a bit of humor to the blog today. I need to write another food poem!


Mashed potatoes on the ceiling.
Green beans on the floor.
Stewed tomatoes in the corner.
Squash upon the door.

Pickled peppers in my pocket.
Spinach up my sleeves.
Mushrooms in my underpants with
leeks and lettuce leaves.

Okra, onions, artichokes,
asparagus and beets;
buried neatly underneath the
cushions of our seats.

All the rest I've hidden in my socks
and down my shirt.
I'm done with all my vegetables.
I'm ready for dessert!

--Kenn Nesbitt

Peace in the Kitchen!


Be the person you want to be,
reach up and grab that star.
Read, Learn, Teach yourself,
to be more than what you are.

Never allow others to define you or change you,
be Strong and have a Voice.
Make Changes while you can in life,
And know you have a Choice.

A Choice to Rise,
A Choice to Shine.
A Choice to be more than you are,
Become the person you want to be,
Reach up and Grab that Star!


Good Timber
(an excerpt from the poem)

"good timber
does not grow with ease:
the stronger the wind,
the stronger trees.
the further sky,
the greater length.
the more the storm,
the more the strength.
by sun and cold,
by rain and snow,
in trees and good men
good timbers grow."

Douglas Malloch

Calm after the Storm:

darkness fades
suns rise
skies clear
storms die
wounds heal
spirits fly
hearts sigh
stories end
dreams die
tears fall
I cry
you're  gone
we survive

A.N. Flores


yesterday, I was so looking forward to tomorrow.
now that it's here, it's today.
so, tomorrow only exists in our minds, right?
Or am I having a 60's moment?



sitting by the fire
enjoying the decor.
the lights, the sounds
and fragrances of Christmas.
who could ask for anything more?


Life #2:

love each other
be kind
serve others
be joyful
tell the truth
have faith
give thanks
be patient
imagine peace!



I bought some land in Colorado,
to enjoy some summer fun.
So, we'll be leaving our home in Texas,
to escape the blazing sun.
We look forward to being lazy,
doing nothing during the day.
And then we'll sit and watch the stars,
and waste the night away.
We'll rise and shine so early,
to begin another day.
And look forward to doing nothing,
during our entire stay!


I shall pass through this world but once ,
If therefore there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do,
Let me do it now.....
for I shall not pass this way again.


The Job:

Terry's been a visual manager for 38 years or so.
He really has enjoyed his job,
but now it's time to go.
He'll have plenty of time to blog and cook,
and give his lawn a mow.
So let's wish him happy retirement,
as he swaps his car for a hoe!


now is the time to have a good breakfast,
continue to tend to our gardens,
mind our manners,
courageously embrace compassion,
nurture the heart,
and begin the next phase of the transformation of humanity!



when wednesday was here,
it felt like friday.
and thursday felt like it too.
so, friday is here and I can't believe,
I have no idea of what to do!



the temperature drops,
the sky turns grey.
I think it's going to rain today.
I open the window,
I feel the breeze,
it begins to rain,
I feel at ease.
I love the rain,
it makes me smile.
I certainly hope it stays for  awhile!


A Jazz Musician plays a thousand notes
to please 3 people.
A Rock Musician plays 3 notes
to please a thousand people!

Life #3

one raindrop raises the sea
survival of all or none
weapons are enemies, even to their owners
give more, take less
others first, self last
observe, listen and learn
do one thing at a time
sing everyday
exercise imagination
eat to live, don't live to eat
find the light


always put something mad
on top of something very good
or something very good
on top of something mad!

George Bennison

Life #4:

quit your day job
see the world
fall in love
find yourself!

Jac Vanek ( a friend of taylor mosher)


sleep escapes me,
how can that be?
it invited me early,
after a Cuppa Tea.

it promised me comfort and time alone,
no computer, no t.v., not even my phone.

I took advantage of the invitation,
turned out the light..... and tried to sleep.
adjusted the pillow, the blanket and slid under the sheet.

I tried and tried,
but to my dismay,
sleep escaped me until another day.

hopefully tomorrow I'll get it right,
until then I just can't sleep through the night.


A Vegetarian's Thanksgiving song parody:

Because you know I'm all about the sides,
Bout the sides, no trouble.
I'm all about the sides
Bout the sides, no trouble!

Yeah, it's pretty clear,
I like the sides too.
And I can shake it bake it,
Like I'm supposed to do.

So, this Vegetarian's here,
To make it all clear.
That it's all about the sides,
Bout the sides,no trouble!


A Michigan Winter 

It's winter in Michigan,
as the wind begins to blow.
Seventy miles an hour,
at thirty five below.

Oh how I love Michigan,
when the snow's up to your butt.
You take a breath of Winter Air,
and your nose gets frozen shut.

Of course the weather there is wonderful,
So stay and hang around.
You may never ever leave Michigan,
because you'll be frozen to the ground!


Twas 4 Months Before Christmas!

Twas 4 months before Christmas,
the attic was full of stuff.
Like garlands and lights and ornaments
and trees and tiny houses and skis
and sleds and skates and it's never enough!

The greenery was hung,
from the rafters with care.
In hopes that I'd remember
how I used it last year.

It was 3 am and running through my head,
were visions of displays, as I arose from my bed.

"the moon on the breast
of the new fallen snow".....
Wait, I live in Texas,
it's 110 degrees you know!

I put on my Shorts,
Flip Flops and a Tee.
And, up toward the attic,
I started to flee.

I opened the door and I shouted and hollered,
and I began to scream!
The decorations were a mess,
Was this really a dream?

I dragged it all out of the attic,
without care.
The decorations and lights,
were strewn everywhere.

At that point I realized that help would be nice.
I woke up Anne and asked for advice!
More rapid was her response,
and like a Nightmare it came,
as she sat up in bed and started to name....

Now Pappy,
call Jason,
call Laura,
call Kate and Andy.
Ask Taylor to come,
the help would be handy!

I knew at that moment,
as I felt an ache in my head.
I should pull back the covers,
and just go back to bed!

"as dry leaves that before
the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle,
mount to the sky."
Who remembers that verse 
in the poem about St. Nicholas?
All I remembered was,
the decorations can wait
until The Night Before Christmas!


Christmas :

.....all the stockings are filled, except one.
have you forgotten to hang it up?
the stocking for the child born in a manger.
after all it's his birthday we're celebrating.
Don't let us ever forget that.
let us ask ourselves what he would ask for most.
and then......
let each put in his share:
loving kindness
warm hearts
and a stretched out hand of tolerance.
all the shining gifts make Peace on Earth.

happy new year!
ring out the old, ring in the new.
ring out the false, ring in the true.
ring in the happy, ring out the sad.
ring in the good and ring out the bad.


you awake in the morning,
blinded by white.
Bare trees, plows,
only snow in sight.
people shoveling,
there's so much snow.
roofs are covered,
cars driving slow.
Kids making angels and snowmen,
having a blast.
you stare out the window,
how long will it last?


the days of .......... retirement!

it's three in the morning,
what shall I do?
I'll write a poem about the days of the week.
That's what I'll do.

was yesterday monday?
or was it sunday a week ago?
tomorrow is thursday.
that much i know.

but if the next day is wednesday,
which i'm not sure it is.
then, tuesday's been lost,
like every friday is.

saturday has to be near,
my calendar says it's so.
but i'm still not sure what day it was,
a week ago!


Binding and Sleeve:

binding and sleeve,
binding and sleeve.
I'd rather cut fabric than binding and sleeve.
no glory,
no glory.
It's just my pet peeve,
I'd rather cut fabric than binding and sleeve.

just give me some fabric,
cut into pieces to sew.
A machine,
plenty of thread,
and no place to go.

I finished piecing a top,
added batting and back.
I spent months hand quilting,
not a stitch out of whack!

The top is done,
but here comes my pet peeve.
I must concentrate now,
on binding and sleeve.

binding and sleeve,
binding and sleeve.
I'd rather cut fabric than binding and sleeve.
no glory,
no glory.
It's just my pet peeve,
I'd rather cut fabric than binding and sleeve.


Pie, a poem about Pie and a Pie Box!

Make it
Bake it
Box it
Share it

Cut it
Eat it
Take the Box home,
Clean it
Store it!

The next time when I think of Pie,
I'll read this Poem and realize,
I should:

Make it
Bake it
Box it
Take it

Share it
Cut it
Eat it
Taste it!


Imagine Peace!
Love Each Other
Be Kind
Say Your Prayers
Serve Others
Be Joyful
Tell The Truth
Have Faith
Give Thanks
Be Patient
Imagine Peace!



I want to always remember that no one is going to
make my dreams come true for me.
It's my job to get up every morning,
work toward the things that are deepest in my heart,
and enjoy every step of the journey,
rather than wishing I was already where I want to end up.


Life Lessons:

do one thing at a time.
do it slowly and deliberately.
do it completely.
do less.
put space between things.
develop rituals.
designate time to sitting.
smile and serve others.
think about what is necessary.
live simply.


Don't Let the Kids Play Today:

Keep your kids close by,
don't let them out to play.
Guns are now all around you.
Bullets go astray.
Guns allowed in the Coffee Shops,
allowed in a Store.
Make them go away,
we don't need them anymore.
We need Peace, not Violence.
Enough is Enough.
Stop the Gun Violence,
Make the Gun Laws Tough!
Keep your kids inside,
don't allow them to play.
Guns are killing us,
everyday, everyday! 


Food is what I talk about most.
I guess I have to as a Food Blogging host.
I like corn and squash and desserts galore.
I can always find a topic and talk about more.

I'm passionate about the things I cook.
You can check out my Blog and take a look.
Search a food category or a Spice you prefer ,
A Vegetable, a Fruit or a Casserole you can stir.

Read a recipe and print it,
and make it with care.
Return to the blog to find something to share.
Always remember if you can't make a decision,
You can always rely on the Hippy in the kitchen!

And don't forget the motto I'm pitchin',
You will find happiness when you
Peace in the Kitchen!



sing because you love to,
write, if it's your passion.
love because it's easy.
forgive others before you
forgive yourself.
seek diversity in life.
embrace everyone you meet.
smile for every reason,
not just for one.
always look forward to tomorrow,
enjoy your life.
have fun!


I wrote this song for the Dulcimer while I was on vacation at our home in Westcliffe, Colorado. June, 2016. I named our property Snowy River when I purchased it in 1990.

Snowy River 

Snowy River, on my mountain,
It's the place I like to be.
Colorado calls me back there,
to peace and quiet, serenity.

Melting snow feeds ice cold rivers.
drifting down from mountain streams,
into summer's fresh green valleys,
after winter's ski bum dreams.

There's a fragrance in the air there,
pinion pines in summer's breeze.
As you hike and listen closely,
hear the leaves of aspen trees.

Snowy River whispers gently,
calls to me when I'm not there.
Draws me back to share it's night sky,
golden sunshine and mountain air.

On my mountain, Snowy River,
it's the place I long to see.
Colorado calls me back there,
to peace and quiet, serenity.



Do we learn from our mistakes?
Some are known to say.
For every mistake made,
there's a price to pay.

Some are capable of learning fast,
others repeat mistakes from the past.
We hope we learn from our mistakes,
when all is said and done!

Learning from our past,
to all does not apply.
So, some repeat the same mistakes,
it makes me wonder............ why?


.......and when I die!

i don't want flowers
i don't want tears.
don't say how much you'll miss me
for years and years and years!
don't fly from far away to come and say goodbye,
call me today, just to say hi!
if you love me so much,
what are you waiting for?
stop by to see me today,
knock on my door.
don't wait until I'm gone,
to say the things you could never say.
love me now!
love me today!


kindness and grace:

in 1968, we wanted
to stop the hate!
today, we want
to stop the mean!

not much has happened
over all these years.
we've tried,
but still can't eliminate the fears.

travel the world
and you will see,
we live in the best place
you'd ever want to be.

life is good,
life is great!
we can end the fear,
and stop the hate.

love one another,
make an effort to be kind.
keep looking forward.
don't look behind.

the world can be a peaceful place,
if everyone would live with kindness and grace!



remember the things
that make you glad.
forget the things
that make you sad.

remember the friends
that stay with you.
forget the friends
that seem untrue.

remember the blessings
that abound each day.
forget the troubles
that have gone away.


The Christmas Elk:

i gazed out my window
at dusk on christmas eve.
i stared into the forest of pines
at an elk that wouldn't leave.

i'd never seen one in the wilderness before,
it was majestic and beautiful
standing outside my door.

the holiday lights on the cabin
cast a glow,
i could see it's reflection
on the new fallen snow.

it must have been there for a reason,
but why?
i stared at it with a curious look in my eye.
within seconds it fled as i waved goodbye.

i went outside
and looked back at the place,
where i experienced my first elk.......
face to face!


All Hallow's Eve!

on the blackest of night
there are witches that fright
on brooms about the air.
they stalk you with their presence
chanting verses that will scare.

They scare you when you're sleeping,
They scare when you're awake.
visions of witches burning,
something on a stake.

the images are frightening
black cauldron's bubbling brew.
the fright causes you to tingle,
your body aches through and through.

you've seen them flying across the sky
casting shadows from a moonbeam.
you sit up in your bed at midnight
from a nightmare in a dream.

do they really exist? do you think they do?
just walk around on All Hallow's Eve.
and when you see them in the sky,
think twice about whether you believe!


baking cookies!

It's cold outside, what shall I do?
bake cookies for myself,
a dozen or two.

I create a dough,
oh my that tastes great!
bake cookies, what was I thinking?
I'm not sure I can wait.

The bowl of dough, smells so good.
I know I shouldn't,
or maybe I should!

I fill a spoon, and here I go,
spoonful by spoonful
I ate all of the dough.

My stomach aches
and I feel bad.
but if I had eaten the cookies,
would I feel glad?

I don't believe I would,
the next time I bake cookies........
I believe I'll eat the dough!


Fabric & Quilts

see it
love it
buy it
cut it
imagine it's a quilt

design it
stitch it
put it back together
imagine it's a quilt

batt it
bind it
wash it
enjoy it
because now you've made a quilt!


Us and Them

us and them
it's where we are
it doesn't have to be

us and them
is where we were
it's very plain to see

hopefully we'll realize
it doesn't have to be

we can get along
and live in harmony
through peace and love
we could be strong
and end this, you and me

us and them
you and me
it doesn't have to be

live together
love each other
and live in harmony


My Poetry:
My thoughts are expressed in poetry.
don't judge me if you don't agree.
My freedom of speech allows it to be,
so read and enjoy my poetry.

frustration and angst:

frustration and angst
is not something we embrace.
it's easy to diffuse,
when we come face to face.
on social media it can often take
all of us to an uncomfortable place.
it's not worth an argument,
it's not worth the fight.
you're never wrong, you're never right.
we may not understand each other's belief,
ceasing to argue can provide relief.
I'll keep posting music and recipes too,
and end the angst between me and you.

In the year 2020:

In the year 2020
life came to a halt and changed.
The world as we knew it
was instantly re-arranged.

We were told to stay inside,
shelter at home,
as if we were to
hide and be alone.

We're trying to avoid a
a virus that quickly spread
and left no one at ease.

We can't escape it.
There doesn't seem to be a way out.
We've tried to understand it,
but we still don't know what it's all about.

Thousands are dying everyday,
and there are those that believe
they can just wish it away.
Some have come to the conclusion
that Covid-19 is here to stay.

Life as we knew it has gone away!



For some reason
it's OK,
to lose things

But times have changed
and it's sad to say,
it's lives we're now losing
day after day.

First an illness
and then a virus.
Death around the world
began to surround us.

It got out of control,
it became an epidemic
and overnight it took over the world,
and it's now a Pandemic.


The Sun Will Come:

When things seem dark
and you feel alone,
when the rain won't stop
and you're far from home,
when you think all is lost
and you just want to run,
it won't last forever,
be calm and wait for the sun.

When you're in pain
and friends can't be found,
when you feel the need to scream
but you don't hear a sound,
when you believe you're at fault
and you feel like you're done,
sit back and wait for the sun.
the sun will come.

The storm will pass,
it doesn't last forever.
the rain always stops
and gives way to good weather.
the brightest and warmest of days will come.
just wait for the sun,
the sun will come.

People who need you
and those who love you
will warm your soul
like the sun above you.
you're not alone
no matter what's been done.
just wait for the sun,
the sun will come.

Darkness will pass
and when it's done,
your friends will be waiting with you,
waiting for the sun.


The Quilt Show:

The Quilt Show is coming
my entries are done.
We spend a weekend of seeing the Show
and 3 days of fun.

Our friends gather together.
We shop, have lunch 
and catch up on great stories.
When the Ribbons are hung,
we celebrate and share in the glories.

We go home,
filled with inspiration.
We start gathering fabric, needle and thread
to begin our next creation.

During the year we  sew together
with our Bees and at Retreats.
We attend Guild meetings 
and share our progress at Meet & Greets.

Our Quilts can vary in size.
Some are big and some can be small.
Some are  made for a bed,
while others often hang on a wall.

Some quilters sew them on a machine,
and there are those that create them
all by hand.
Our quilts can be simple,
or our quilts can be grand.

When our quilts are all finished,
there's one thing we all know,
we look forward to seeing them
in the coming year's 
Quilt Show.


while listening to sixties music in 1973,
Eurovision had a third place winner
that was so interesting to me.

they returned to the Eurovision Competition in 1974,
when the world wanted to hear more.
they finished by taking the top prize,
and walked away the winners
to no one's surprise.

I decided to write a poem 
A- bout the 
B-and, that was
B-eloved and
A- lluring.
they recorded their music 
and started touring.
together with Agnetha, Benny and Björn,
along with Anni
the band was born.

disco became their genre of choice.
Dancing Queen became their
recognizable voice.

Thank You For The Music"
without it, what would life be?
"without a song or a dance, what are we?"
so I say Thank You For The Music,
and for giving it to me.



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