Thursday, February 20, 2014

Perfectly Roasted Garlic

I could post all of the benefits of garlic but the list is long and detailed. If you need to know, I suggest researching it. I began researching all of the various methods. It's been placed on a baking sheet, placed in muffin tins, wrapped in foil, etc. Too many ways to mention. I finally realized that this method is perfect. The end result is a creamy, golden brown head of beautifully roasted garlic. Maybe it's the use of parchment paper, I'm not sure, but I'm impressed with the results.

Whole heads of garlic, as many or as few as you need to roast
1 TBS of olive oil for each head.

Cut off about 1/4" of the top of each head.

Pre heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Line a piece of foil, (large enough to wrap the heads), with the same size piece of parchment paper.

Place the garlic, cut side up, on the parchment paper.
Drizzle each head with a TBS of oil.

Wrap tightly and place in an uncovered casserole dish.
Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour.
Remove from oven.
Unwrap and allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
Squeeze the cloves from the peel and spread on toasted slices of Baguette or Ciabatta Bread.

In a cast iron gratin dish, ready to be cut
and drizzled with olive oil.

On the prepared foil and parchment paper, cut and
drizzled with olive oil.

Ready for the oven.

The finished product.

Peace in the Kitchen!

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